UNOSAL police played their part in accordance with peace agreements and hundreds of international police observers were deployed throughout the country during the transition period. The division assisted in the search for illegal weapons depots, collaborated with the military department to verify the dissolution of civil defence units and supported the Human Rights Department8 After disputes between peasants and FAES soldiers began the land transfer programme with a tangy note, the office of the UN Secretary-General was consulted and helped the parties reach an agreement on land transfers at the end of October 1992. 2 No significant changes have been reported. In 1996, the United Nations completely withdrew its mission from El Salvador. The United Nations Audit Office completed its review of the peace agreement in June 1998. B. Contracting parties are required to consult WITH COPAZ before adopting decisions or measures on the relevant aspects of peace agreements. Similarly, COPAZ may consult with the parties at the highest level if it deems it appropriate. If there is disagreement as to whether an issue should be submitted to COPAZ, COPAZ decides on the issue. The National Council for the Defence of Human Rights has opened regional offices and established itself as the autonomous protector of peace agreements and nascent democracy.1 The agreement on occupied lands between the Government of El Salvador and peasant organizations is respected. 6. If the Commission considers that a case brought to its attention does not meet the criteria set out in paragraph 2 of this agreement, it may, if it deems it appropriate, refer the case to the Attorney General of the Republic for judicial processing.
The Armed Forces of El Salvador (FAES) dissolved the civil defence units in April and May 1992, but failed to meet the deadlines for the withdrawal of all troops to the agreed sites, citing logistical concerns. UNSAL has managed to put pressure on them to respect their agreements (except one). Although they were integrated into the FAES as planned, the Treasury Police and the National Guard did not stop abandoning their barracks on time. In response, the FMLN refused to the parties then reached a negotiated agreement to concentrate troops in the territories in place until 25 June 1992 and to introduce legislation to permanently remove the National Guard and Treasury Police and to create a “special military security brigade” (without subsequent transfer of military installations to the national civilian police). June 30, 1992 (2) FAES completed its concentration of troops on 26 June 1992 and disbanded the territorial service until 30 July 1992. The FMLN completed the concentration of combatants in accordance with the agreement until 26 June 1992. Some small groups of people armed and in uniform to support “public security committees” remained outside the concentration zones, but under pressure from UNOSAL, these groups also complied with the concentration agreements until 30 August 1992. The 20% of FMLN veterans were demobilized on 24 September 1992.3 The FNML had 15,009 organized members, Of which 8,552 were combatants (2,485 or 29.06% female combatants, 2,474 were wounded non-combatants and 3,983 were political staff members. , as well as statements and principles relating to human rights and humanitarian law adopted by the United Nations and the Organization of American States; The ceasefire between the Salvadoran government and the FMLN officially began on 1 February 1992, in accordance with the timetable set by the peace agreement.