India-Asean Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Ceca)

The OBJECTIVE is to minimize barriers and deepen economic ties between the parties; Reducing costs Increase intra-regional trade and investment; Improving economic efficiency Creating a larger market with greater opportunities and economies of scale for contracting companies; and increasing the attractiveness of parties to capital and talent; With regard to trade in services and investment, negotiations on the respective agreements are expected to begin in 2005 and be concluded by 2007. The identification, liberalisation, etc., of the services and investment sectors are completed for further implementation within the agreed deadlines: (a) taking into account the sensitive sectors of the contracting parties; and (b) with special and differentiated treatment and flexibility THE important role and contribution of the business sector in promoting trade and investment between the parties and the need to continue to promote and facilitate cooperation and exploitation of the increased business opportunities offered by ASEAN-India-RTIA; In tourism, the number of visitors from ASEAN to India rose to 277,000 in 2006, while the number of visitors arriving from India to ASEAN in 2008 was 1.985 million. At the sixth ASEAN-India Summit in Singapore on 21 November 2007, India proposed to fly one million tourists from ASEAN to India by 2010. At the second meeting of the ASEAN and India Tourism Ministers (ATM-India), held in Bandar Seri Begawan on 25 January 2010 India`s proposal to develop a cooperation agreement between ASEAN and India for tourism was welcomed and the ASEAN and India WORKING Group was invited to continue the study and preparation of the draft agreement. Ministers also supported the creation of the ASEAN Tourism Chapter in Mumbai as an important common platform for ASEAN national tourism organizations (NGOs) to market Southeast Asia to Indian consumers, while fostering mutual awareness between ASEAN member states and India.

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